The I AM Story

Santisha Walker, Founder
Registered Nurse
Certified Wellness Coach
Welcome to The I AM Experience! With a mission to offer a fitness and wellness experience empowering individuals to cultivate the best version of themselves within through intentional use of the words "I am", The I AM Experience serves as a resource promoting physical activity, well-living, and disease prevention through wellness tools, community support, and premium qualilty fitness & statement apparel. The ultimate vision of The I AM Experience is for you to express the most well version of yourself. As you join The I AM Experience's community, and knowledge is obtained to help you reach your fitness and wellness goals, monitoring what you say about your body, mind, and life becomes important. With a focus on true well-being for the mind and body, The I AM Experience emphasizes becoming more conscious of what we say after the words "I am", as these words help create our entire world. Along with becoming more conscious of what follows "I am", action is encouraged to bring what we are speaking into existence. There is a profound quote by Jim Rohn that states, "Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion". Simply speaking affirmations is not what causes change to appear. We also are affirming, believing, and then working toward what we are speaking. Every aspect of The I AM Experience commissions us to affirm, then take action as we intentionally express our "I AM". From the I AM Energy Workout Mix, the I AM Exclusive Wellness Kit, and Wellness Empowerment Hub to the Health Advocacy E-book & Guide, the Health & Wellness Professionals Catalog, Discussion Groups, and premium quality I AM Apparel, each subset of The I AM Experience empowers us to cultivate the best version of ourselves from the inside out. This I AM Experience is for: 1) Those seeking to enhance their well-being and take their life to the next level through substantiated healthcare knowledge and wellness resources. 2) Those desiring to connect with others who are dedicated to living a fit and well life.
How it started
"Due to the stress and increased work demands as a nurse that came with the pandemic, before I knew it I was unhealthy in my physical body and I needed to make a change to get back to feeling like myself. I increased my physical activity to help keep my immune system and body strong enough to continue to serve as a nurse. I focused on my mental health and began to seek God for balance as a healthcare professional taking care of others, as well as needing to care for myself. I felt led to begin incorporating more positive affirmations, along with reminders from Biblical scripture. This time was used to remind me of "the power of our words" and their affect on every situation. As I incorporated I AM affirmations into my daily routine, my thoughts began to shift and my mental health improved. To help keep my mental health in tact, I monitored what I was listening to and watching. I also continued to connect with God for spiritual strengthening. This transition had a direct affected my body as well. I began working out 3-4 days weekly and adjusted my diet to get me to my desired weight goal. A moment that was extremely significant for me was the urge to play I AM affirmations over music while working out at home to various online fitness sessions. Exercising is a vulnerable time and those affirmations paired with the upbeat energy of the music helped to empower me while I was working to reach my goals. What made my journey even more impactful was the ability to actually see the words "I AM" as I looked at the reflection of myself during workouts. The I AM on the apparel was a constant reminder that I am exactly who I say that I am. I fell so in love with how I was feeling internally and the tranformation that was taking place in my mind, soul, and body that I chose to share my journey and wellness knowledge with others who may be seeking to enhance their well-being and take their life to the next level. Intentionally cultivating the best version of myself within has allowed me to reflect even more positivity out into the world. To witness the lives that have been changed for the better since they have connected with The I AM Experience has evoked much gratitude. As a nurse who nurtures others back to health, and as a wellness coach who help enhance others well-being, it is essential that I share my journey. I AM grateful to be able to offer The I AM Experience as a resource promoting physical activity, well-living, and disease prevention through valuable tools, community support, and premium quality fitness & statement apparel."
Founder's Heart For Health & Wellness

"I take as many opportunities as possible to educate on the difference between being healthy and actually living a well life, and the role they both play in operating at our best. Choosing to avail myself and my healthcare knowledge as a valuable liaison, I AM intentionally involved with enhancing other's lives and providing practical health & wellness knowledge they can easily and independently put to use. I take much comfort in giving back and serving. Working as a nurse has allowed me to witness first hand the daily struggles, insecurities, and challenges people face, as well as what makes them happy, brings them joy, and helps them keep their spark for life. Now more than ever, with life's many stressors, it is imperative to intentionally take out time to improve our health and strengthen our total wellness. I love witnessing others thrive and living the best version of themselves, and I AM delighted to be able to put my healthcare and wellness knowledge to work through The I AM Experience."
Take It All In!
"I encourage you to browse the site, welcome what is being offered, feel the energy, and take advantage of the tools, resources, and community support presented to you through Membership. Open yourself to an exclusive fitness and wellness journey. Your I AM is who you are, what you are, and what your environment is, so boldly embrace your I AM and watch your mindset and life begin to change. As you feel great in your premium quality I AM Apparel, vibe to the I AM Energy Workout Mix, indulge in the I AM Exclusive Wellness Kit, utilize the Health Advocacy E-book, participate in the Wellness Empowerment Hub and Discussion Group, and connect with professionals through the Health & Wellness Professionals Catalog, I know this will be a beautiful evolution for you and I AM excited to witness you reach your goals! You can be and do all that your heart desires. I believe in you! I believe with you! We got this! Now, let’s do this!"